So, it’s official, as of Monday, August 23rd my baby started school. Probably the hardest day I have had in a while to be completely honest. Jared got up early with us and helped me get the boys ready. He gave Jackson a blessing, and I took some pictures before we left. I was already getting a little teary, but I was holding it together. We drive him to school, all of us get out, I grab his stuff and something out of my purse, locked the doors and then shut my door. Immediately, Jared asked “Did you just lock the keys in the car?” YEP! Then I lost it. I was so frustrated, and already on the emotional brink. I tried as hard as I could to not cry in front of everyone, I didn’t want to be that parent and I didn’t want to freak Jackson out. So, I put on a smile, walk him into his classroom, put his bag up for him, tell him bye and blow him a kiss, and bolted before I turned into a puddle. All while I was still trying to snap some pictures. As soon as I make it to the hall, I run into Allison ( a friend from church who was dropping her youngest off for kindergarten), seeing me in my condition, she gives me a big hug. Which is so nice but only makes it worse, ya know? So, that was already about 8:30, and I needed to be at the dentist at 8:40. But we were locked out of the car. My superhero Mom, came to the rescue and gave us a ride back home to get the extra key, I rescheduled my appointment and made it on time, then went to Ross for a little shopping therapy. The day ended better than it started, luckily. Jackson, by the way, loves school. It’s already been over a week since that day, and he’s already gotten sick. That’s probably the worst part of it for me because I’ve turned so paranoid about sickness around here. I pray that things keep going well for him. I pray that he enjoys his time at school, and makes good friends. We love you Jackson, and we are so proud of you.
This is in his class. That is his teacher, Mrs. Gibbs. Not the best picture, but it was all I could get.