I, however, have known for a while now what this baby would be. Jared and Jackson have been telling me for a long time that it was a boy, but I knew it was a girl. This morning actually, when I was trying to wake Jackson up by telling him that "we were going to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl", he told me "It's a boy mom!" But everything has been so different this time around, and I just had that feeling. I even went as far to find some really cute girl bedding online that I wanted, but I felt I should wait till we had the ultrasound done.
We made it to the doctor's office, and met my mom there who had already been there for probably fifteen minutes or so. We hadn't been waiting long when they called us back. The tech was taking all the normal measurments, and I noticed that the baby seemed to be measuring pretty much on time. Not like before where it had measured a little bigger. So, I was a little relieved about that. Then finally she said, "I guess you want to know what it is." We of course said yes, and she started searching. It seemed to be hard to find, as the baby's legs were closed with one hand stuck between them, and it wasn't wanting to move. So much for the sugar theory! She pushed and bounced my stomach around trying to get some results when finally there appeared BOY parts. So yes, we are having another boy! We are super excited to think about another baby boy, and Jackson having a brother to grow up with. It did make me a little sad to know that I didn't have an excuse to go buy cute, girly things, but I love little boy's! I know how much fun it has been having Jackson in our lives, so I can't wait to meet this new baby boy. Now, we just have to come up with a name....

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