We were really fortunate to be able to take a trip to Utah this year with the boys. Nathan was graduating and him and his family were moving back to Texas. We were very excited for him. He has worked very hard over the last several years, and we wanted to be there to celebrate with him. However, I did not do so good at taking pictures of the things I should have. So, I will post what I have.
This was a pretty waterfall that we saw on our way to Park City.

This was the first picture I took with someone in it…..however we were already on our way home from Utah. We stopped at the Hole in the Rock.
So, where are all the family picts you ask? I really didn’t do a good job. I guess, sitting in the car it’s the only time I wasn’t holding someone or chasing someone, so I was available to snap some pictures:)
This man and his wife spent years dynamiting their home into a big Utah Sandstone. These are a couple of pictures of the inside of the rock.
I think we should do this!
Here are a few of my pictures.
There was also a petting zoo beside the rock that we visited.
I loved the deer. They were sooo sweet! I still can’t figure out how you could hurt one of these guys.
We’ll we had a really good time. We were glad we were able to see Nathan walk across the stage and finally be finished. Were glad to get to spend so much time with Heidi, and she was so nice and so patient to have us all at her house. We love getting to see the cousins get together and play, I’m just sorry that I didn’t get any of it on film card. We’re so happy to have Nathan and Nicole and the kids here.