Well, this will be the second time I write this post. It somehow got deleted yesterday. As most of you know, our fourth of July in usually a double celebration. This year was our 6th wedding anniversary. So, to celebrate, Jared got us a hotel for the weekend in Arlington and we went to two Ranger’s games. The first one was kind of an after thought after dinner on Friday night, but we got to see the fireworks. It was fun to be alone and have the ability to be a little spontaneous. We woke up Saturday morning and went to the pool at the hotel. It was awesome. It was like if you could dream of any pool to have, it would be this one.

For the most part it’s 2-3 ft. deep. Perfect for lounging with the kiddos. And it’s huge! There a turtle pond nearby and one of the turtle had escaped and fell into the pool. And who do you think dove down to rescue it? Yep…me. I like to think that I saved him, but I don’t know if I did or not.
So, after the pool, we went back upstairs and got ready to leave. We decided to have Saltgrass for lunch before heading over to the Ballpark again. Now, I have to also comment on mine and Jared’s detective work that took place that afternoon. While eating our lunch, a man and his “daughter” come in and sit right behind us. He was a big talker, and loud, and awkward. Now, at first we were laughing because some of the stuff that he was saying was so ridiculous. But he quickly went from being a weirdo, to being more of, oh, child predator‘ish. Now, the next part of this you might think we are weird, but we went out to the truck and there commenced the stake out. For about an hour we waited outside for them to leave so we could get some pictures to turn into CPS. Over reacting, maybe, but all I kept thinking was if this girl was in danger, I would want someone to do the same if it was my kid. Once they finally came out, we snapped our pictures, got the license plate number and left. I know, we watch too many cop shows.
Then, off to the Rangers! We got there early, so we were able to watch all of the opening…stuff. We watched them uncover the field. That was pretty cool because it had been raining and they had to get all of the water off of the tarp with big fans. Then we got to sing the National Anthem, and watch the first pitch. We usually miss all of that stuff, so it was nice to watch.

They played the White Sox that night, and WON 3-1. Go Rangers!
We headed back home that night so we could get the boys and get up for church the next morning. Sunday was the real 4th of July, so that night we, and the rest of the Abrahams ended up at the new park in Azle to watch the firework show. Nathan and Nicole and their kiddos came, and Grandma and Grandpa Abraham and Christy were there. There was quite a crowd and some loud “music” playing, and before we knew it Colin was gone! Maybe his way of expressing his right to freedom, I don’t know, but terrifying none-the-less. I didn’t have my glasses, so I was just trying to find a red shirt running around. I couldn’t see him anywhere because it was almost dark by this time. Then, over the loud speaker, “If you are missing an 18 month old in a red shirt, he is up by the stage!” Phew! Okay, Jared got there first but the lady was reluctant to hand him over to him, I think it’s a good thing (cautious) but it got on Jared’s nerves. Anyway, we got him back, and tied him to a stroller with my camera strap, and we were good to go.

Cute cousins!

Tied up, enjoying his snacks, and watching the show!

We ended up having a good night together. I’m glad that we could all be there.
I hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July!