Who knew cookies could be so powerful?
Friday Jamie made "labor cookies" from a recipe she found online. She's been wanting to try anything to kick start her labor in hopes she wouldn't have another 9 lb baby to birth at her due date, especially since she was going into this thing as a VBAC. Well, we all tried one of the cayenne peppered ginger snap - like treats that night, but turns out Jamie had three to ensure their promised effectiveness. I woke the next morning and looked over at Jamie. She had a smile on her face and said "well, the cookies worked." She had started having some contractions that morning and we were pretty sure Colin was probably on his way.
By about 7:00 Saturday evening, Jamie was having very consistent and pretty intense contractions (she also had a couple more cookies to ensure progress) so we made the decision to go ahead and hit the hospital. We got there around 8:30 pm and after a long night of anxiousness, pain, soreness and exhaustion (Jamie had a pretty rough time too) Colin popped out and is about as perfect as they come. Just like his brother was. He was born at 9:40 am and was 7 lbs 8 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long.
We were so proud of Jamie for having the determination to deliver naturally this time after having the C-section with Jackson. She was amazing. She fought through the pain before her epidural so well as she wanted to make sure she did everything she could do to help progress the baby before any drugs. All the nurses and her doctor were so impressed with her focus and ability to deliver naturally especially as they are very hesitant and cautionary about VBACs. Right after she delivered Colin, I looked at her doctor and said - "Jamie, you VBACe'd the crap out of that baby" as a snub to his doubt he's had with her to do it.
Anyways, everything went perfectly and we're thankful for all the friends and families congratulations and support. We'll post some better pictures soon, but here's a look at Colin Jordan (yes, we changed it at the very last minute) Abraham.
Congrats! I'm so excited for you all, Colin is adorable! If I ever have another baby I will HAVE to get that recipe from you!
Wow, what a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations y'all! We wish we could be there to give everyone hugs. We're so happy the delivery went well, we were worried about Jamie, good for her! Way to have determination!
I can't wait to meet him! I have to ask...were the cookies good?
Congratulations!! I'm so glad everything worked out just like you wanted! He sure looks cute, we'll be excited to meet him one of these days :)
Dad and I both ate a bunch of those cookies with no effects. Someday we'll have to ask Colin how he liked the cayanne. Congratulations! He is beautuful!
As far as the cookies go, they really were sort of good. I read in the recipe that if you would like to just make them for the holiday's, too cut the cayanne in half. That would probably make them more tasty. They weren't bad at first because when they come right out of the oven, they are crispy on the outside, and chewy on the inside. We stored the leftovers in a plastic baggy which made them a little soft on the outside. By the second day of eating them, they were grossing me out. Sydney and my mom thought they were really good, and my step sister's little boy was eating them by the handfulls. However, I don't think I'll make them again until I have another labor to jump start.
Oops, I didn't realize I was signed in as Jared.
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