I had a great 25th. Thanks for all the emails, phone calls, text messages and voice mails. : )
I walked in the door Thursday night and got my first gift. Sitting on the dining room table, next to a note that said "Happy Birthday, Jared" was a BANJO! Ditta-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding ding. Jamie definitely surprised me. I wasn't expecting anything like that. Those are always to best gifts. I found out afterwards that she pawned some of her old jewelry and drove all the way to Arlington to get it for me. She must love me.... I sure do love her. Thanks, Jamie.

Friday (birthday) my office took me out to lunch and we had some cake later on. I left work early to meet up with Mom, Dad, Jamie and the boys and a few of my good friends in Arlington. We had dinner at Pappasitos and then headed over to the Rangers ballpark. Watching a Rangers game is one of my favorite things to do: good entertainment, good food, good company = good time. There was an awesome fireworks show right after the game, too.
It was a great night. I've had a pretty awesome 25 years so far and looking forward to the next set. Now the pressure is on for Jamies B-day next month. Any ideas?
I walked in the door Thursday night and got my first gift. Sitting on the dining room table, next to a note that said "Happy Birthday, Jared" was a BANJO! Ditta-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding ding. Jamie definitely surprised me. I wasn't expecting anything like that. Those are always to best gifts. I found out afterwards that she pawned some of her old jewelry and drove all the way to Arlington to get it for me. She must love me.... I sure do love her. Thanks, Jamie.
Friday (birthday) my office took me out to lunch and we had some cake later on. I left work early to meet up with Mom, Dad, Jamie and the boys and a few of my good friends in Arlington. We had dinner at Pappasitos and then headed over to the Rangers ballpark. Watching a Rangers game is one of my favorite things to do: good entertainment, good food, good company = good time. There was an awesome fireworks show right after the game, too.
It was a great night. I've had a pretty awesome 25 years so far and looking forward to the next set. Now the pressure is on for Jamies B-day next month. Any ideas?
Thanks for sharing your birthday and you life with us. We love you!
Excited to hear some banjo music.
I can't believe your 25! I am glad you had a great day. You are a great brother and I can't wait to see you soon. Let's think of an excuse.
Wow the big 25!! Happy Birthday : ) You have a sweet wife, glad she made it special for you. Can't wait to hear you on the banjo.
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